nulcow's zone!

This is nulcow's zone; a website where I, nulcow, keep a ton of stuff I want people to see.

But nulcow!

You may ask,

Don't you already have a Tumblr blog for that?

You see, the difference between this website and my blog would be that:

If you want to learn more about me and check out my work in a more organised fashion, this website is the place to be. Why you would want to know about me, I have no earthly clue. If, however, for any reason, you are interested in my graphic art and computer science projects, feel free to stay awhile and look around. For those of you who are more interested in my various misadventures and would like a glimpse into the bizzare thoughts of mine, my Tumblr blog has got you covered.

Current interests

I like playing video games, and I have my whole life. Minecraft has always been a favourite of mine, but I also enjoy playing Guild Wars 2, anything from the Half-Life series, ROBLOX, and Team Fortress 2, among many others.

I also love graphic arts and design, but I'm certainly not interested in the professional design field. Things have gone in a direction that I'm not a huge fan of. Other than that, though, I enjoy doing graphic design as a hobby (especially UI/UX); I find it rather pleasent to make things fit together in an aesthetically pleasing and functional way, as I'm sure all humans do on some level.

Additionally, I have an ongoing (albeit unhealthy) relationship with computer science; no matter how much pain it brings to my existence, I always find myself coming back for more. For similar reasons to graphic design, I enjoy computer science and programming because I get to fit various components together to create a functioning system and solve problems, which is always fun for me (usually; I'm looking at you, cryptic low-level programming).

I'm always looking for something to do, a new excuse to exercise my skills. As such, I'm always open to volunteering for or contributing to your projects! Just contact me and I'll see if I can do the job--that is, if I didn't already come to you first!

But wait, there's more!

Believe it or not, this website has more than one page. Here are some cool ones I think you should visit first--you should be able to find the rest on your own!